Thursday, December 15, 2011

4BC with Meryl Dory, Chrys Stevenson and Myself!

Radio interview of Meryl Dory and Chrys Stevenson talking about vaccines and the Woodford Folk Festival. Yours truly makes an appearance. I was surprised when I tried calling the talkback line and got put straight thru.

Click here to download audio file



  1. I look forward to the day when any journalist/commentator who chooses to have Dorey on their show is actually armed with the necessary comebacks for her nonsense.

    Her "highest rate of vax ever" line should always be met with the question "is that high rate right across the community and in every part of Australia?" but instead it gets a free kick.

    If she's pro-choice, why did she side with the anti-vax mother in a court dispute, rather than taking a neutral stance and even supporting the father's right to have his daughter immunised? Why does she want doctors and vax officials lined up and shot or strung up? Why does she promote the idea that vaccination is part of a genocidal plot by lizard-people overlords?

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